Friday, October 19, 2007

Three Babies Enter, One Baby Leaves

Mommy (oh heck, "M") took me somewhere new on Wednesday. It's called "Tumble and Tea" ( I get the tumble part, but not the tea part. The stuff that M spilled all over her arm smelled like the coffee she is forever guzzling, not that pansy tea stuff.

Anyway, back to the tumbling part. It was a lot like my vague memories of daycare, except with way more stuff to climb on and way more nervous parents hovering over their kids.

I was the second youngest freerange baby there, so I understand that M was concerned... but really. It's embarrassing. I could have totally handled myself against those 15-month old twins (Phoenix and Chaden for everyone out there who thinks MY name is weird. Don't you realize I live in the Bay Area? If I were to meet a kid my age named Steve, Chad, Tim, or John, I would think THAT was weird.)

Phoenix and Chaden took it upon themselves to pound me on the head a little bit. Their mommy kept saying "soft, soft!", but I was fine. They have NOTHING on the 2 year old girls where I used to go during the day. Ferocious, those were.

M now refers to Tumble & Tea as "Thunderdome", but I have no idea why.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My Dance Card is Full

So much has been happening! For one, it's still just me and Daddy 4 days a week. Mommy leaves right after the sun comes up and comes home right before the sun goes down, but the time in between is just me and the Big Guy (Mommy is home with us 3 days a week though).

We have fun: I chase him around, bang on things, pull things over, eat whatever I can find on the floor, and generally redecorate and scare the beejezus out of him and the cats. He chases me around, tries to feed me stuff, puts on fun music, drinks lots of coffee, and laughs a lot. It's a good life.

Last Wednesday, we took the boat across the water to meet Mommy for lunch. That was fun - I liked all the other kids on the boat. I miss other kids.

On Saturday, Max had his first birthday party at Tres Agaves restaurant. I got to eat dried apples, Teddy Puffs, and some mushy stuff that was tangy. I tried to eat the menu. And I gave Max a shirt with a robot on it. Here he is pointing at something in my nose.

The next day, M&D and I got back on a boat (a lonnnng ride) and went to Angel Island ( Once we got to land, it was so quiet and relaxing that I fell asleep in my stroller. When I woke up, it was still quiet and relaxing and I fell asleep again. A ton of time must have gone by, because by the time I woke up after THAT we were almost back to were we started!

Mommy decided it was time for me to eat, so we picked a nice, quiet, out of the way bench on which to enjoy a snack. There was no sound at all but the birds and the breeze in the trees. I could totally concentrate. Mmm... snack time... But THEN a big group of people on Segway scooters stopped right behind us for a lesson! I had to try to see over Mommy's shoulder - it was fascinating. She muttered something about them scooting right on down the cliff, but I don't think they heard her. They moved on eventually, but by that time I'd totally forgotten I was hungry.

That was a nice day. I got to eat my first dirt (though I had to sneak it - M&D don't like me to eat as many things as I think I'd like to eat).

Monday, October 8, 2007

Catching Up with Me

Good luck! I'm fast. Really fast. But I'm being too literal.

I thought you'd like to hear a bit about my first September. Grampa Buzz and Grandma Pattie came for a visit, and we went out to eat with some nice people named Jim and Joan, in a very foggy place. Grampa let me sit on his shoulders during lunch so that I wouldn't steal Mommy's soup. I wasn't going to steal her soup - I just wanted to feel the chunks squish in my hand. But anyway, here I am, no soup being had.

After everyone else ate, I got to see the ocean for the first time! I thought that big water outside our house was the ocean, but boy was I wrong. There are no waves THIS big at our house! It was a little chilly, but Grampa and Grandma kept me warm.

A couple weeks later, Grampa Jim and Grandma Janet came for a visit. Here we are! We like blue. We also like farmers markets and playing on the grass. M&D like coffee a lot, too. Lots of it.

I also like flashlights a lot. Here's my Halloween face. Boo!

Enough with the sweet "Grampa and Grandma Visits" updates. I want to get back to this teething thing for a moment. Once I got used to the searing pain, I discovered all sorts of neat things to do with my new tooth: clicking it on spoons, chewing ANYthing and everything, biting M&D's fingers, you name it. And I've also discovered how interesting things taste! I very much enjoy licking everything I can. Allow me to share with you...
  • The stereo speakers: slightly metallic and woodsy at the same time, with a dusty undertone.
  • The kitchen cabinets: strange, oddly flavorless, but reminiscent of dry nutmeg and sage.
  • The big trash can: metallic and cold, smooth and tangy with a plastiky aftertaste.
  • Dad's booklight: Salty and sweet, the perfect combination.
  • Moldy leaves: Crunchy, nutty, with a lingering air of cinnamon.
  • The bathroom toilet: smooth, fresh and with a hint of rain and citrus.

I wonder how Mommy's laptop tastes...